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First Day of School Fall 2010 |
Dramatic Flair has entered the first grade. The year has only just begun and we are already in full swing of Dramatic Flair adventures. God had His hand in her teacher for the year... can you say Two Peas in a Pod? It is going to be an enjoyable year of updates... things I hear on the car rides home, and things I hear from her Drama... I mean (cough, cough) First Grade Teacher! Stay Tuned for an inside look into the First Grade Follies of Dramatic Flair!
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perfect place for her in First Grade! |
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let the learning begin! |
AND SO IT BEGINS..... (read from the bottom up to start at the beginning!)
1-31-11 Yay! Yay! Mrs. Z. Rocks! The UNI-TOOTH look is finally GONE! After great drama and build up (refer to the Tale of Two Tooths on the stories page for further understanding here) and a climatic ending, Dramatic Flair says later, "So, yeah, I guess it didn't hurt so bad! So I guess this is what you would say was over-reacting, huh, Mama?" ....all while her sweet little lisp is intensified by 10,000~
1-24-11 Okay, we are AWFUL! Dramatic Flair is calling out for help to find a movie she is missing and because she is saying it so cutely wrong, we all keep taking turns asking, "What movie?" while she louder and louder exclaims, "Betherly Hills Chuahah!" while totally clueless that we are giggling at her! Love that girl... and my whole family who shares the same sick humor!
1-13-11 Apparently the weather is far worose that I ever realized down here! Dramatic, after her outdoor recess time, comes back inside in major trouble...She went up to Mrs. Z. with non-moving hands! They were (GASP!) frozen! Mrs. Z. tried to rub them to warm them up but (GASP!) they hurt too be touched... because... you know... there was FROSTBITE (in 40 degree weather amazingly!). And it has NOTHING at all to do with the fact they have been studying Antartica or anthing!
1-12-11 After complaining to her BALD daddy about not liking the dress she is wearing because her hair gets caught in the button, Todd says, "Oh! I hate it when my hair gets stuck too!" She ponders it a moment and then rolls her eyes and says, "Oh Daddy! You don't wear DRESSES!"... totally missing the fact that he has NO HAIR! Ha ha!
Oh happy day for Dramatic Flair! Watching the "Enchanted Christmas", the beast changed his hardened heart and Belle forgave him! "Oh Mama! She forgived him! They are going to celebrate Christmas!".... as if we didn't see that one coming, right? Love her!
In case y'all didn't know, Santa is REAL! Dramatic Flair smelled his beard and everything!
I ask, "Are y'all hungry?". All answer a swift, "Yes!" and the argument of where to grab something ensues. I then list several choices and let them know they have to agree. It is quickly narrowed down to a few choices and then left up by them to Dramatic Flair for the final decision. After a moment of deep thought, she blurts out, "Burger King! I'm gonna have to go with the junk!".... that girl!
After my son treated me and Dramatic Flair to a movie with his own money, we were getting ready to leave the theater. I look back to tell Dramatic to come on and she is gathering up people's bags of popcorn that they left, as fast as she can! I quickly say in a freaked out voice, "Put those down! You can't eat strangers left overs!" She stops in her tracks and looked puzzled. She says, "ummmm, I KNOW that! I was, you know, cleaning! The sign said to take the trash!".... what a girl!
As she bolts out loudly to an ALMOST on-key tune, what I thought was "Feliz Navidad", I listened more carefully and thought, "hmmmm.... think some words my be a bit skewed there." Just as I was leaning in to hear more closely, she stops singly abruptly and looks puzzled. She says, "Mama, what does Fleece Naughty Ha mean anyway?"....guess she has lost her bilingual abilities from the "ey carumba means ey yi yi in Spanish" interpreting days of a few weeks back!
Her teacher was reading a chapter book aloud and it was coming to a climax. Kids were very into it. Words were something like, "They were going down... down... down.... Deeper... Deeper...."... being the good teacher that she is, Mrs. Zinneker paused for effect. All the kids were silent. Suddenly, being very into the book, Dramatic blurts out very quickly "OCEAN". (Say this very fast and with passion to get the effect.) Everyone pauses and stares at her, including Mrs. Zinneker. Finally, one of the kids gets enough sense about them and looks at Dramatic and says, "Ummmm! you said the S word!" (again say the word ocean very fast and think of a climatic moment in the book!). In total bewilderment, Dramatic looks at the other kid perplexed and says, "Ocean is an S word?" She was simply predicting the story and yelled out her prediction! They were going down into the OCEAN, but she only yelled Ocean so she was the only one on her thinking page! Even more funny, she has NO idea what the S word even is! That means STUPID in our house! Needless to say, much belly laughter has resulted in the retail of this one!
Apparently I have become chopped liver! Dramatic Flair just said, "Mama, are you glad we are going to be home five days for Thanksgiving?" "Yes, VERY excited!" With deep sincerity she says, "NOT me! I'm gonna miss Mrs. Zinneker too much!"... Ouch! Chopped liver it is! :)
After and exciting first day of track club, Dramatic says, "Mama, that was SO much fun! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!" I say, "I'm so glad!" She says, "It was, like, AWESOME!"... long pause..."Mama?" "Yes?" "So I'm just wondering.... is there a POINT to track club?" "To be in shape and you will do the Houston 3K fun run." "Oooohhhh, Ok! I figured there was something. All I knew was it was a club and that was enough for me!"
"Mama, how come you won't sign ME up for tutoring? Other kids get to go!" I say, "That's good that you don't need tutoring. That means your teacher thins you are doing great and don't need extra help." She says, "Awww man! Can't YOU sign me up anyway?"....being smart has its downfalls I suppose! :)
It was discovered today that Dramatic Flair has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder! Shocking, I know! School counselor did a guidance lesson on bullying and much to Dramatic's horror, through that lesson, it became clear that, "2 days ago...on the playground (sniff, sniff).. GAVIN? Well... he BULLIED me!" ... never mind that it didn't bother her at the time... but today, it all became so clear.....
I am wondering if I should be concerned about the fact that I came around the corner to get Dramatic Flair's bath fun underway, only to find her standing stark naked, except for her slick, black dress shoes, singing loudly, "God Bless the USA!" Surely she is not preparing to exercise her "rights" in "freedom!" :)
Well, dramatic flair got in trouble at school today. She went to the bathroom and another girl came in. The party was ON! Laughing and singing, all while standing on the toilets.....When caught she pulled the "I didn't know we couldn't stand on toilets!" act. After further questioning by her teacher, she actually knew she couldn't at HOME, but wasn't clear about SCHOOL! Bless her heart (sarcasm)! What kind of mother doesn't teach a child not to stand on toilets at school?.... Yes, she is grounded. :)
So me and Dramatic have the day alone. Church youth are on a camping trip and Todd is working. She had 20 dollars burning her pocket up so we went to Toys R Us and took care of that! I then told her we could eat anywhere NOT fast food she wanted. She chose Golden Corral! Seriously?????
At swim practice, we notice she is in deep conversation... with HERSELF.... while doing the side-stroke! After laughing very hard, I gain control before talking to her. I say, "You were talking to yourself during side stroke? " She says, "Yes ma'am. I was doing self-talk?" Holding back my chuckles... barely... I say, "Really? What were you saying?" "I was saying, 'don't take a breath! Don't take a breath! Whatever you do, don't take a breath!" "ummm, so do you realize you have to BREATHE to TALK?" There is a long pause. Finally she says, "Awwwww man! All that self-talk was for nothing then!" ...She cracks me UP!
I just finished framing Picasso's, I mean Dramatic Flair's, paintings. When I showed her what I had done she flipped out! She said, "Uh, WOW! I knew they were good but I had no idea they were THAT good!" ...I love how the simple things are so wonderful to her!
In class yesterday, it was reported that Dramatic Flair is able to speak Spanish. She dropped something and said, "Ey ca-rumba!" (I have no idea how to spell that!) As soon as she said it, she turned to those around her and said, "Oh, I'm sorry! You probably couldn't understand that! That was Spanish for 'ey-yei-yei!"... who knew she was bilingual!
"Mama, sooooo, today, welllll, I sorta got on the LIST." "The List?" "Yea, you know, for like doing things you're not supposed to." "What were you doing?" "I was talking during the video." "You know you need to be quiet!" "I know, but there was a bunch of us and, well, I just have things to say sometimes Mama!" ...I've no idea where that behavior came from! Must be her FATHER!
It's been reported that Oden has struck again! (Yes, same Oden from last year!) goes like this: "Mrs. Z.! Oden asked me if I want him to hit his ACORN!" "His acorn?" "Yes! You know, his A-CORN!" as she points to an area of discretion with an appalled look. Mrs. Z., "Uh, Oden! Acorns are for nature! We are NOT discussing acorn hitting in this class!"... that boy is going to meet Dramatic Flair's daddy pretty soon!
Dramatic flair's first grade follies: "brycelynn do you ever get in trouble for talking in PE?" "uh, noooo WAY! I have NEVER had to go to the think tank! Not EVER!" "the think tank?" "yes ma'am. It's where you go in PE. You get one warning then BAM! Off to the think tank! I dont EVER wanna go there! You can't even sit ...or anything!" "so what do you do?" "well you just have to stand there and you know...think!"
Dramatic Flairs Teacher update: Mrs. Z. "So today was HYSTERICAL!" Me -"Really? Why?" Mrs. Z. "I saw your post about the RUMOR so I had my eyes open for the occurrences to come. She was sitting by the boy in question and she says to him, 'So, I heard from a girl, whose mom is a teacher here, that YOU like a certain person in THIS class, who's name starts with, (eye-bat, eye bat *words I add to express the behavior of the teacher retelling) a B! Boy was clueless looking and said, "what?" So she very pointedly repeated, "I said, a girl, whose mom is a teacher her, said that YOU like a girl in OUR class whose name starts with B! (eye bat- eye bat). Well, MY name starts with B!" Her teacher went on to say the boy looked very clueless and said that he didn't say that. Dramatic Flair, with a knowing look, just sort of nodded at him with this expression that seemed to say she understood completely, but that it was still VERY clear in her eyes, that he was definitely in "like" with her. According to Mrs. Z. the day was spent in TOTAL confidence that Dramatic Flair was still certain she was on the inside scoop of this boy's REAL feelings!
dramatic flair's first grade follies: "Mama I heard a BIG rumor today?" "that's not good" "Well I'm pretty sure it was about me!" "Really? "Well, I was told by this girl that this boy likes a girl in MY class that's name starts with B. MY name starts with B so I'm pretty sure its me because I'm the only girl with a B name. And well I'm just afraid "Like" means "love" and that's a BIG rumor!" ....oh my!
Dramatic flair's first grade follies: "mama you HAVE to come see what I found!" "what is it?" "tadpoles! Can you even believe it? Like tons of BEA-U-TIFUL tadpoles! You just have to see!" as we are looking she says "it's just so amazing that something that beautiful is in a mud hole!" ... Who knew tadpoles were beautiful!
Dramatic Flair's ist grade Follies: "Mama, you know how we had a fire drill the other day?"(giggle) "Yes?" "Well, Ashley.. she's new to my school & we are friends now you know...well Ashley(giggle giggle)was behind me in line & well, she (giggle)told me my hair smelled good (giggle)so I guess its good we made sure to wash my hair the night before the fire drill because she was sniffing me!"(ERUPTION OF LAUGHTER!)
Dramatic Flair's First Grade Follies: "Mama, GREAT news! I got the COOL box!" "That's awesome! What do you think you want to put in it?" "Well, I don't know for sure but I have some ideas. It says to bring like 2 or 3 things, but this is a pretty big bucket so I think I can get more in!".... Sorry Mrs. Z., the bucket ...size won out over the piece of paper "suggesting" two or three things! Good luck tomorrow on time!
Was awakened (a little earlier than I had planned) by sweet little hands patting my face, letting me know she had made me a scrumptious breakfast of fruit loops! I am a blessed woman!
Frantic flair's first grade follies: after school I was in a meeting. She had been playing with a teacher's friend in another class and got it in her head it had been too long. She went to the front office and told them she thought her mom was lost and they needed to announce for her to come find the front office. Funny thing, they DID! They have no empowered her to the intercom system! Please, pray for my school!
Dramatic flair's first grade follies: "mama I HAVE to wear SWEATS tomorrow!" "what? Why?" "because it's PE of course and everyone has to be in tennis shoes and everything! Its our first day you know, and we are going to be working out HARD!" "really? Doing what?" "I don't know but probably like the splits and stuff ...until we sweat!"... Coach Wagner has her work cut out!
Dramatic Flair's first grade follies: day one part one on the car ride home, "so? How was first grade?" "it was AWESOME! Like the bestest first grade day EVER!" (it is beside the point that it is the ONLY first grade day so far!)part 2 ..."and mama guess what?" "what?" "well now that the 1st day is over you know what that means, right?" "no, what?" "it means it is time for the 2nd day!" (I think to myself, wow, she really is genius) I say, "umm well yes, that's usually what's next!" grinning big from ear toner she states...part 3..."THAT MEANS I GET TO WEAR MY NOT DAY 1 PANTS!".... You see, being on the dramatic side, she has a "flair" for what one might call, 'interesting' fashion... so much so that these pants weren't allowed to be 1st day outfit! But tomorrow... Well get ready!!!